Morning, all. Well, they didn’t boo me outta the room yesterday, so I think it went okay. I want to thank the AWSL (Greg Barker, James Layman, Joe Fenbert) for trusting me with my message to the young, prospective educators with whom I was lucky enough to share an experience. A separate, huge thank you to James Layman for turning a Twitter connection into a real life opportunity to connect some dots from our separate but same journeys as we strive to boost the lives of “these days’ kids” to their next levels. Thank you, my friend. Honored to now know you.
It was a great day. But for the little I gave, I took far more. Selfishly, I used the day to restore my resolve, to power my passion, to capture my courage for cultivating connections in the classroom. I will make it my life’s work. I know that sounds grandiose–even more so than usual, perhaps–but I am serious. Yesterday, was an awakening for me. I feel like a giant woke in me. And though I have a lot to consider regarding next steps and next levels for this work, I am resolute in this pursuit. Feel like I am starting a whole new journey, and all it took was talking with the future of our profession. Can’t wait to get started, to find the giant within so I can face the giant without.
Today’s Trail
Weird day today. Kids will be registering for next year during my class. Funny that I am not worried about lost instructional time. I am worried about lost connection time. Kills me that we won’t be able to do Smiles and Frowns today. Trying to devise a way to still connect. I’ll think of something.
Happy Thursday, all.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.