Day Twenty Four. Morning, all. Gonna share another letter from our Message in a Bottle assignment.

There is so much here. So much wisdom. So much truth. And for me, one who sees daily the abundant angst and anxiety of adolescence in the little humans I serve, I can’t help but be struck by the realization that while our kiddos have lost much, they have gained much, too. If anything, they have gained a break from the constant struggle in the “arena.” They have gained a moment to breathe. They have gained a moment to see.
Happy Thursday, all. Stay safe and sane.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.
I miss my friends and the fun of school.
Sorry, Dominick. Hang in there.
OK I will
Wow! Such eloquence. Reminds me of another post I read today about the “trade-offs” by Dr. Tim Elmore of Growing Leaders. https://growingleaders.com/blog/the-biggest-lesson-we-can-learn-from-this-pandemic/
Such amazing material- from YOUR students!!
Thank you for sharing.
In good health,
Hi, Kristin. Thank YOU for sharing. Hope you are safe.
I agree I dont miss waking up early and having housework and feeling stressed.I do miss my friends and the memories and they extra activity’s i was in like ffa i miss contest and the trips we went on.
Sorry about the loss.