Day Twenty Three. Morning, all. Wanted to give a shout out to my district this morning, for I believe they are making an exceptional effort at an impossible job. From the mind-staggering logistics of delivering food, technology, and instructional materials to our 378 square-smile district (largest geographically in the state) to the deep-sincerity of supporting staff from top to bottom, they are doing the very best they can during this unprecedented time to serve. And it is that–their service–of which I am immensely proud. I am honored to be a part of the Cheney School District #360 family.
Our superintendent, Rob Roettger, ends each communication-written or verbal with, “Us, We, Together.” And though I have always felt that’s been a steadfast sentiment in our family, I have never felt it more keenly than I do now, when it matters most. To all at the district office, to all still at the buildings, to all still cooking, delivering, copying, answering, coordinating, cleaning, I salute your service. Proud to call you family. Thank you.
Here’s a glimpse of what I want to call “Project 360.” As the points on the compass, our district is providing the best 360 degree service they can for now. It’s our “best” till we know better. And we will know and then do better as we move together through this tough time. It’s what we do. This is US.

Happy Wednesday, all. Stay safe and sane.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.