“It is not just valuable but vital to one’s learning experience to have a connection to the teacher and the other students.”
Not all care of learning is carried equally. Well, at least not by me. Yes, I care about their learning with our grade-level priority standards as assessed by our final on Frankenstein. It was an important measure of our work together over the course of many weeks. I cared. But if I’m honest, I cared less, for I cared more about another aspect of our weeks-long learning experience in room 206. What would they carry forward? What was the most meaningful (authentic) thing they learned in my room from our work? I wanted needed to know, so I went to the learning source, and I asked.
And, they answered. Below are but a few of the responses that fueled my fire that authentic learning exceeds the “student” in our rooms. Indeed, real learning is what sticks and stays with the humans in our rooms.
I could not be more proud of what my humans discovered and captured from their learning experiences this past semester.
This is the care I carry.