Day Fifty Nine. Morning, all. Happy Friday. Feeling the need to share a brighter moment.
Yesterday, I had the privilege of handing a diploma to my best friend’s son, Jaden, who despite the challenges of autism, has achieved this milestone moment in his life. I have known this beautiful boy of joy since the beginning, and from that time on, I have been profoundly privileged to witness the boundless love and support of his parents Josh and Lena Kleven as they have raised him into the remarkable young man that he is. I believe I can fairly speak for all when I say that any who have been lucky enough to be a part of Jaden’s journey know they are blessed and better for being connected to this beautiful, funny, clever, gentle boy. Thank you, Josh and Lena, for allowing me and so many others to take part in Jaden’s journey. Has always made our loves more joyous. And now, when it seems in short supply, Jaden delivers again. Thank you for the joy, Jaden.

Happy Friday, all.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.