Wednesdays are Kindness Card days. The kids write one or more peers a quick note of kindness. The kids never let me forget. Most weeks they make sure to remind me Tuesday as if they are concerned I might somehow forget. They look forward to it each week. So do I.
Yesterday, one of my kiddos who of late has begun to pass during Smiles and Frowns resumed sharing. She “frowned” about something in her personal life that has been creating excess stress for her. Her peers heard her, consequently flooding her with kindness cards. It was a proud moment for me. Kids, who are not her friends, stepped up and let her know they cared. She was a little abashed, lamenting they were just “sympathy cards,” and she didn’t want people feeling sorry for her. But I tried to get her to see it differently.

Connected. They feel connected. I wonder if they ever consider the contrast in connection from that very first day of class eighty-one days ago. I do. And I am proud of its fruition, especially yesterday.
I have another proud moment to share from yesterday. Last evening I received this email from one of my kiddos.

This is the kind of “homework” I can get behind. I love that she is thinking of our class and considering our connections on her own time. I love, too, that she found her own authentic writing task. I am pleased to see our commitment to connection in room 206 coming together. And I believe it all stems from the simplest of activities: daily Smiles and Frowns, our simple connection.
Today’s Trail
Along today’s trail we will experience…
…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.
…reading writing (peer-proofreading).
…scheduling presentations.
…reflecting in our Journey Journals.
…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.
Happy Thursday, all.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.