Made a mistake yesterday. Well, I’m sure I made many, but one stood out. Actually, it was pointed out.
“Sy, did you mean to write, ‘availabable’?”

I certainly did not mean to write it. But I did. And I owned it. I left it up there the rest of the day, so my other classes could see it, too. We make and miss mistakes all the time, even English teachers, even English teachers who triple-double check for such mistakes. I made it. I missed. I owned it.
And as I reflect on it this morning, maybe that’s the more meaningful message from yesterday’s #MyRoomMessage. We make mistakes.
All year long, I have asked my kids to think of mistakes differently, to regard them as opportunities, not fatalities. Some mistakes, of course, carry more consequence than others, but it’s rarely the end of the road. We just get back on track and move forward. We live. We learn. We grow.
I hope my kids take that with them after they leave and continue down their own roads when our journey comes to an end, an end that is far too near. Gonna miss these lovely little humans. It’s really been a banner year. Mistakes and all.
Today’s Trail
Along today’s trail we will experience…
…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.
…growing as writers as we seek and respond to feedback.
…reflecting in our Journey Journals.
…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.
Happy Thursday, all.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.