There’s not only what we say but also how we say it. For now, I want my kids to focus on the “how.”
In truth, the odds are already against them. They’re kids. Generally, they are not taken seriously. Generally, they are impetuous and impulsive, quick with their “what’s” and not careful with their “how’s.” And, consequently, the odds against them increase.
But I think I can help, and I want to. My wanting kids to feel empowered (Standard #2) goes beyond the walls of 206. I want them to feel empowered without as well as within.
When kids are younger, we ask them to use their words to get what they want. Well, I want to help them in their less-young years to use their words to get what they want, too.
This week I asked them to write four requests: to a friend, a parent, a teacher/coach, and a principal. I gave minimal direction, telling them that they had to request something they really wanted and something that was within the power of the person to whom they were making their requests. Length was up to them, but I suggested they had to get to what they wanted, and why they wanted it. They printed two copies: one to cut up and deliver and one to analyze.
See, I was going to introduce the rhetorical appeals and tone earlier in the week, but then I thought it might be better to introduce them by having kids apply it to something they’ve already written. So, I decided to have them write requests. Today, I will introduce the appeals along with tone, asking my kids to analyze their requests for both. I also wrote requests. I wrote one for each of the appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) as models. And while I overemphasized each in the respective requests, I did so to make the differences among the three notable. We will also consider tone in our analysis. Ultimately, I want them to get to a place as communicators where they come to understand the role of audience and how it’s not just what and how but also who. I want them to understand that words have power, that words are gifts, that words matter. And I want them to use their words. Now. Forever.
Today’s Trail
Along today’s trail we will experience…
…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.
…analyzing for appeals and tone.
…reflecting in our Journey Journals.
…discussing “Why with Sy.”
…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.
Happy weekend, all.
Do. Reflect. Do Better.