Dear (Blank): Project 180, Day 105

Dear (Blank),

I recently came across an idea on Twitter called No Grade November. It got my attention because in my work with students, I have always wondered–and worried–about grading’s impact on learning in my classroom. And so, when I came across the idea, it called to me, and I became intrigued and inspired to try something new, even if it meant taking a big scary step away from the norm. And that is why I am writing to you. I want to take that step. I want to temporarily take grading off the table so I can learn more about learning. I want to participate in No Grade November.

Here’s what it will look like…


A Teacher

Yesterday, the first “won’t” I presented called attention to those who wouldn’t support No Grade November. And to be honest, they’ve been much on my mind in my efforts to anticipate and answer the impossibles with possibles. There will be a number of folks at all levels who won’t support it–understandably. It is a “big scary step.” It seeks to call into question all that we have come to accept as sacred in education.

But maybe it’s only that they won’t support it initially. Maybe we can, if not get them to support it, get them to not obstruct it, get them to give us an opportunity to learn. It’s a big ask. But we can ask. Asking is sometimes the first step towards turning impossible to possible.

So, I am planning to help people ask. Above is just a draft for how we might approach it. It can be tweaked to fit different contexts. It can be from a principal to her superintendent. It can be from a department chair to his principal, etc. My goal is to provide a template that helps people ask by addressing the what, why, and how. And it will all come from a place of learning–learning about learning.

More to come. Please know it was a little awkward to write the letter draft this morning. I know it sounds a little sensational “intrigued and inspired,” but I suppose I do hope that’s how some will feel about this. And I guess if they aren’t feeling this way, it would be hard to sell.

Happy Wednesday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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